Introductory Workshops

The next online workshop is scheduled for six dates running from February to April 2024. The topic for the workshops is “Touch”. We will take the notion of touch as our starting point and develop a shared focus for the seminar. In the sessions we will practically apply CMW, define a writing trigger, write and analyse memory-stories, and make the different steps of the process transparent.

The invitation for the seminar can be found here.

General information on Introductory Workshops:

Introductory workshops can be held in person with face-to-face meetings or also online.

For the in-person workshops different formats are possible.

  • best option: seminars stretched over five days, e.g. a summer-school type seminar
  • also a good option: seminars with weekly meetings, stretched over five to six weeks
  • if nothing else works: weekend seminars (these are the most exhausting ones … they are really only a last resort)

Online Workshops require five or six dates (ideally in consecutive weeks), with sessions of three hours duration to take place on each of these dates. 

Workshops are organised on basis of local interests.

Each workshop requires a topical focus. Where a workshop is organised in cooperation with a local group the topical focus is determined by/with this group (or the local organiser) in advance.

Topics for workshop over the last couple of years included, e.g. “Nation”; “Winning and Losing”; “School Experiences”. These headings function as starting points for discussion/s in the group that will consequently lead to an exchange about memories relating to experiences that are triggered by the topic and the discussion/s.

If you would like to participate in a workshop that matches your own topical interest – or also if you would like to have a workshop organised to match your time zone/s, please get in touch here