The potential of CMW as a method of learning: Open Access

Over 30 years the Marxist-Feminist method of Collective Memory-Work has been applied and adapted in a multitude of projects across the globe. Collective Memory-Work dissolves boundaries between research and learning. As a method it is interdisciplinary, deliberately inchoate, and therefore alive. (Frigga Haug)

This book explains traditions and trajectories in adaptations of Collective Memory-Work. It encourages to experiment with the method, and to appropriate history from a position of everyday life.

Preview and download ebook: here.

A printed version of the book will be available in October 2021.

Inquiries please via contact page.

A German version of the book has been published by Argument Verlag, Hamburg. It can be purchased here. The text of the book is also available as a download from SSOAR.