
You are very welcome to the Collective Memory-Work (CMW) page.

To start with Collective Memory-Work … what it is, and what it is not.

CMW is a method of research, a method of learning and reflection, developed by Frigga Haug and the group Frauenformen in the 1980s at the intersection of academic research, feminist and Marxist theory, and political practice. In its original format it entails a group reflecting on a topic of shared interest by using short written memory scenes of the group members as the core material. It can be used in, e.g., social research, adult education, social activist groups, professional reflection processes.

The term Collective Memory-Work is prone to a common misunderstanding. Here it refers to a group working collectively with individual memories, hence Collective Memory-Work. It does not refer to working with collective memories (or cultural memories) as, e.g. in history workshops.

Over more than three decades the method has been successfully used in a variety of fields. It has been adapted and adjusted according to purposes of the applications, institutional frameworks, organisational necessities and methodological considerations.

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